Thursday 29 March 2012

Waiting For Panel Decision=Approval

And so for all our checks probes and teachings also all the form filling and alll and more etc etc etc we are so very happy to announce we were approved at panel to foster...hooray- or is that a GULP? - we are excited , proud apprehensive and re-planning what we had already planned months ago! Oh the excitement and the anticipation feels wonderful , here i stand looking like a 47 year old and feeling like 7 inside myself , the long awaited phone call arrived when i unsuspected it to come adfter all the thoughts i had each time the phone rang thinking this could be it then just as i let down my walls and concentrate on other things boom there it is!
I could not wait to tell my husband the wonderful news , our social worker was so pleased for us i could feel her smiles surrounding me as she delivered to us the good news.My husband was just as delighted as i was and i could not wait for him to return home for a big hugg , we did it , together , we got to the vital point we had fought so hard to reach we are approved and we are elated.
The best part also was sharing the wonderful news with friends and family we really do feel like we were supported , although some we didnt think really did believe in us and some encouraged us. You think when you go into foster caring that those closest will encourage you and cheer you on , well some did for us and some did not but that is ok because we have each other and those that really do care.
After you tell everyone the great news it is now time to worry hahaaha! I made a coffee and went into the garden , a beautiful spring day , i looked to the sky and thought of my mother in heaven hoping she knew we had got through and feeling a smile in my heart. So many questions and things to arrange and discuss , the shock and the head feeling like a large bubble on my shoulders like it will pop if i do not slow down and filer thoughts sensibly , i guess this is the real beginning , the point we dreamt of.
The hugg from husband was the best i think it was kind of like a victory come exausted kind of hug but a deep one that felt good and strong and that loving feeling you get when you know you have eachother and are there to support each other followed afterwards by speedy thoughts and more coffee oh my so much to say and so so may words and so much excitement , the evening was spent joyously as a family together trying to predict the future when there was no glass ball to be seen anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    We are going to panel in a week. I just want to be there, I cannot wait.

    How are you feeling now you have had time to breath?

    Have you had a placement yet?

